Funeral Cards Project

Scanning and transcribing any available, old funeral cards, was the first members only content we provided. It is now OPEN to all!

funeral_cards/Funeral_Card_Index.php – updated January 2nd., 2018.

Funeral Card Sample

Funeral cards, or “In Memoriam” cards, were handed out on the occasion of the death of a family member. Many of us have a handful filed away with our records (if we were lucky enough to inherit them), and many of the Archives and Museums in the area also have collections. Initially we are copying any with a connection to the Durham Region — either by birth, marriage, death, burial, residence, etc.

If you have any cards you wish to share with us, please do one of the following:

  1. Scan the cards, put them on a disc, and either mail us the disc or bring it to a branch meeting; smaller quantities can be e-mailed to Anne Delong
  2. Photocopy the information on the card and mail the pages to the branch or bring them to one of the meetings
  3. Bring the cards to a branch meeting in an envelope marked with your name and address; we will copy them and return them at the following meeting
  4. For cards that you do not wish to let out of your sight, we will arrange “Copy Days” at our office, at the airport, or perhaps even at one of our regular monthly meetings.